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Board Meeting Minutes

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  • 15 Jun 2018 3:20 PM | Anonymous member

    Hiawatha Bicycling Club meeting minutes

    Board of Directors Meeting  7:30 pm  April 17, 2018

    Location:   Noodles

                     1732 E. 66th Street

                      Richfield,  MN  55423

    Board members present: Dan Robinson, Barry Cole, Jack Soltis, Marty Rosenstein, Mark Kleczewski,  Theresa Ditter, and John Johnston III (via phone).

    Club menbers present: Leon Webster

    Board members absent: none

    Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm

    The March meeting minutes were approved.

    Treasurer’s Report:  Mark 
    Discussion regarding a 2018 budget was resumed after being deferred by Dan during the December 2017 board meeting. Due to some higher than expected expenses, the 2018 budget is projected to be about $534 in the red. Expenses are expected to be about $3150 higher than 2017. The costs related to Web hosting (Wild Apricot increase to $972), and PO box rental ($478 higher than 2017) were the largest spending increases over 2017. The projected Income from the revised participant pricing for this years TDA is unknown. So this years TDA revenue (and expenses) were assumed to be the same as 2017. The budget was passed with the elimination of ride leader jerseys (for 2018). Ride leader Jerseys would have cost about $1850 ($59.50 each times 31 RL) for 2018. However, certificates for ride leader awards for 2018 and the delinquent awards from 2016 & 2017 will be included(see Ride Leader Awards below). $500 will be drawn from the reserve funds to cover the projected year loss and balance the budget. Marty made a motion to approve the budget, which was seconded by John.  The measure carried and a 2018 budget was finally approved.   
    New Ambassador program:  Leon 
    Leon put forth the idea of a club “Ambassador” program where a HBC ride leader along with other club members could participate in (non-club) organized rides such as “Tour de Cure” or ALS ride. Riders would be encouraged to wear HBC or Tour D’Amico jerseys for the event. This would give visibility to the club. An HBC ride leader must post and handle other ride responsibilities such as sign in for ride member mileage credit. Riders would receive (HBC) ride credit but would be individually responsible for their own event signup and all fees for the ride. Riders would not be covered by HBC insurance and the club has no responsibility for the quality or endorsement of the event. The club ride leader coordinator (Leon) would have to approve the ride event before it could be scheduled (added) as a HBC ride. A motion was made and the board vote passed this proposal. 
    Ride leader jersey & awards:  Leon & Dan 
    Dan had deferred the action to Leon to obtain a jersey decision from the ride leaders (see meeting minutes from March). Leon indicated that it was a board decision and not up to ride leaders to decide on a ride leader jersey and/or award jersey. Dan pointed out to the board that he would not allow any spending beyond the budget. No ride leader jerseys will be provided for 2018 because of cost. After further board discussion it was decided that ride leaders that qualify for the Etoile du Nord award for 2018 will receive a certificate in the amount of $50 in place of a jersey. Suggestions for the certificate included a $50 gift card from Target (Theresa), or $50 cash (John J). The board decided to award $50 D’Amico gift cards. This follows the decision made at the March 6 board meeting where $50 D’Amico gift cards would be given to ride leaders who qualified in 2017 and 2016 in lieu of the Palamasino (vendor) jerseys that were never delivered. 

    Vice-President’s Report:  Barry 
    Nothing to report. 
    Marketing and Public Relations Report:  Marty 
    A redone HBC web site has been launched with an updated look designed to attract new members. Increased emphases on the Tour D’Amico and an improved calendar have been incorporated. Look for the addition of a newsletter in the near future. 
    Club ride jersey options were unveiled at the spring banquet. Popular vote favored the colorful yellow material. Marty presented three ordering options that were variations of member cost, club up front costs, and total jerseys sold. After much debate, a motion was passed to sell the first forty (40) jerseys to members at $42 each with the club subsidizing $10 of the vendor price. Marty agreed that the subsidies can be taken from another area in the clubs approved marketing budget allowance, so the net effect on the overall budget is zero. Ordering information will be sent out to all members in an E-mail and payment at the time of ordering will be required. 
    Discussion about  “Ease into Social Riding”, a joint program between One Ten Cycle and HBC for a class and cycling training rides, continued from last month. Dan indicated that the club would incur an additional $289 in insurance cost unless run by LCI instructors. No decision was reached. 
    Membership Report:  John 
    No report. 
    Tour D’Amico (TDA) Report:  Dan 
    TDA planning continues.  There will be an emphasis toward improving signing and route identification for the upcoming ride. As of April 16, twenty-eight (28) riders had registered and sixteen (16) TDA Jersey ordered. It was believed that 50 to 75% of the volunteer positions have been filled.  Additional volunteers are still needed. The club is still in need of a TDA director for next year (2019). 

    New Business:


    The next board meeting will be held on Monday May 7, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Have Fun Biking office in Richfield.

    The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.

  • 21 May 2018 8:23 PM | Anonymous

    The Hiawatha Bicycling Club has “re-skinned” its website.  Lizards shed their skin regularly to allow for proper growth. HBC needed to re-skin its site as the Club has grown and technology has changed dramatically in the last few years.

    Re-skinning is simply about changing the way our website is presented. It’s a bit like having a makeover! Our ride leaders and our commitment to social riding lie beneath the site and has remained the same.

    We re-skinned for a few reasons. First, we wanted a more pleasing website experience by changing the color and fonts to make it easier to read and and we also simplified navigating the site.  We have also added more content including a News Blog and FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions).

    So, please explore the site and checkout the new content.  For members, to login click the little person icon in the top righthand corner.

    For those who use their cellphone to access the web, the re-skinning was needed to provide you with more friendly mobile access.  If you click the 3 bar icon at the top left of the mobile page on your phone, you will get the website menu.  If you click the arrow to the left, you can sign-in.  The biggest benefit is that you can see the Ride Schedule from your phone’s browser by simple bringing up the mobile website and you do not need to scroll to find it.

    If you see anything you would like added or changed to the site, please email the HBC Board and we will look into it.

    Marty – Web Content Master

  • 20 May 2018 10:22 PM | Anonymous

    Spring has finally sprung and Hiawatha Bicycling Club are members are out on the trails enjoying the budding leaves and flowers as well as the scents they provide along the way.

    During the month of April our membership increased by 14 members to 217 members and we look forward to increasing membership this summer. The majority of our new members hear about us from friends, so make sure to share your fun adventures with everyone. Other sources are through the flyers we distributed at the bike shops around town, meetup and other marketing efforts.

    Also, members please continue to do your outstanding job of welcoming new members on rides and making them feel part of the club on their first ride.

    Look at our new Join/Renew page on the website for the top 10 reasons to join and top 10 benefits you receive as a member.


    Haggith - Membership Chair

  • 20 May 2018 11:19 AM | Anonymous

    Yesterday was a magnificent day for the Hiawatha Bicycling Club where we demonstrated what a social riding club is all about at the annual "ALS Bike Trek MN".

    Rita, who is one of our active riders, lost her brother Mark in 2007
    to ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as  Lou Gehrig's disease, which is a disease which causes the death of neurons controlling voluntary muscles.)  Rita, to fight back against this horrible disease, sent out a request to club members to sponsor her on this fund-raising ride.  Not only did she get financial support from members, she was joined by 19 other club members who also made their own commitments and joined her on the ride.  The group rode together and finished off the ride with lunch at a New England themed pub in the middle of Scott County. 

    This was Hiawatha’s first “Ambassador” ride where club members get mileage credit for riding a charitable or a special community event.  Ambassador rides are new this year to HBC and were championed by Leon who is the club’s Ride Leader Administrator.  Leon worked on the proposal for Ambassador rides and it was fully supported by the Hiawatha Board of Directors.

    Club members, let’s keep up this community participation! If you are a ride leader and riding a community event post it on our ride schedule.  If you are not a ride leader but would like to have Hiawatha participate at an event, talk it up with your favorite ride leaders to see who would lead the event.

  • 18 May 2018 3:23 PM | Anonymous

    Club members ordered 51 of the new Club jerseys and vests at the discounted price.  The Board approved a $10 subsidiary for all of these jersey’s so no one will need to pay extra. The jerseys should be here the middle of July and we will provide an update when  the ship date is finalized.

    For those of you who are new to the Hiawatha, or, will have jersey envy when you see the new jersey on rides, there is an option to buy the jersey this year.  The Club will open an online store where you can buy your jersey directly from our supplier, Ascend Sportswear.  Check the Gear tab on the Hiawatha website and you will be able to order jerseys or vests directly from Ascend and have them sent to your home.  The store will be open the month of July.

    How about a big around of applause to Betty, Bev and Carmen who worked on the Jersey Committee to create an exciting design and coordinate the order process. 

  • 24 Apr 2018 7:33 AM | Anonymous
    The Twin Cities and Minnesota offer a vast array of organized bike rides. If you want to participate in these events and add credit to your Hiawatha Bicycling Club, check out our new Ambassador rides program. If you are an HBC ride leader, you can lead one of these rides. If you are not a ride leader, see if you can get one of the ride leaders to organize a ride with you.  The possibilities are almost endless: "Tour de Cure”, the ALS ride, the MS 150, the Red Ribbon Ride,Tour of Lakes, Itasca Tour, Door County Century, Tour De Pepin, or Jesse James Ride!  Check out the details at Ambassador Rides

  • 19 Apr 2018 1:53 PM | Anonymous member

    Hiawatha Bicycling Club meeting minutes

    Board of Directors Meeting  7:00 pm  March 6, 2018

    Location:   Have Fun Biking

                     1321 E 66th Street   Suite 102

                      Richfield,  MN  55423


    Board members present (5): Dan Robinson, Barry Cole, John Johnston III, Mark Kleczewski, and Marty Rosenstein


    Board members absent (2): Jack Soltis, Theresa Ditter


    Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm


    The  Feburary meeting minutes were approved.  It was noted that the $950 in advertising expense was not itemized.


    Feb 20 Special Board Meeting Update 

    Since there were no meeting minutes from the special TDA pricing meeting of Feb 20, it is included here. On Feb 20 the board approved TDA pricing: $30 for all until July 18 when the price is $45 for all.  Riders under 18 are free.


    Treasurer’s Report - Mark

    Mark commented on the difficulty of distinguishing club and TDA revenue sources.  Mark suggested that one approach is for TDA to have a separate treasurer.  Mark will contact Greg S to discuss this possibility.  The amount of $5k was moved from the reserve fund to TCF checking account.  The major expense for the month was ~$1k for LAB insurance.


    Jersey Decision - All

    The members discussed the results of the ride leader breakfast. The board confirmed the vote at the ride leader breakfast that the Etoile du Nord award for the 2016 and 2017 will be a gift certificate in the amount of $50 in lieu of the Palamasino jerseys that were never delivered.  After that the members discussed the future of jersey options for the club being aware that there is a TDA jersey, a potential club jersey, and possibly an Etoile du Nord jersey.  Fully aware that 3 jersey awards are excessive and that this is a complex subject, the board agreed to revisit this in April.  Dan will contact Leon in his capacity as head ride leader to get his view.


    Marketing Report – Marty

    John Z, Leon, and Marty continue working to improve the content of the website.

    Club Jersey

    Marty shared with the club the email from the club jersey team members (Betty, Carmen, Bev) which asked for 1) permission to move forward with the full process including picking a vendor, working with graphic artist, sending a member survey, ordering jerseys and 2) approval to spend $400-$600 if necessary for a graphic artist.  Because there was a wide range of views, each board member in turn presented their view of the process and their opinion on the degree of jersey committee autonomy that was appropriate.  The board voted 4-1 to go ahead with the effort described in the memo but required biweekly reporting by the jersey committee.  Dan will inform Betty of this decision.

    Ease into Social Riding

    Marty described his effort to initiate a program in conjunction with 110 Cycle to provide a class and 3 training rides before TDA that would bring new riders into TDA who were unfamiliar with social/group riding. The board members were generally supportive but had questions including whether 110 Cycle or HBC owned this activity.  The consensus was for Marty to do more in developing this program while Dan investigated the #1 issue, insurance.


    Membership Report – John J III

    John noted that the club added 4 new members raising the total HBC membership to 208.  The board unanimously approved making Harold Harum as a life member.  He was a club founder but was no longer riding and so was dropped from the membership role. 

    Led by John J, the board also discussed other options such as making all founding members life members and making all riders over some age life members.  Since the demographics and definition of these categories was not well defined, any other decision was tabled for the April meeting.  John J will try to identify the members included in these categories.



    Dan showed the new TDA jersey design to the board.  It was the result of Dan working with Amy and designers at D’Amico’s. Dan and Greg S sought the boards opinion before Russ has it made by Palamasino.  Three of many observations were 1) that “Hiawatha Bicycling Club” should replace the web address 2) Tour D’Amico and HBC were in a small dark font and hard to see, 3) it might be nice to have July 4 independence day captured on the jersey.


    Other business

    Dan received a request from the YWCA for volunteers for a triathalon.  It was agreed that it was appropriate to put that on the facebook site and club email.


    There was a discussion of the $550 marketing expense.  It was not clear to any of the board the exact details of how it was spent but it was felt that these were for ads for TDA and the club in the Bike/Hike Guides, possibly for both Minnesota and Iowa.  A number noted that they have never seen this guide in stores and wonder if it was the best marketing method for the club.  Mark will contact Russ and get details on this expense, how the guide is marketed, and what is the readership.  Also expresssed was the need for greater board involvement in the use of the marketing budget.  This will be revisited in the April meeting.


    Marty raised the issue of additional errors and omissions insurance for the board.  Dan commented that it is offered by the LAB but it is very expensive.  John commented that his personal insurance covered him to the same level as LAB.  There was no conclusion and this may be revisited in April. 


    Next Meetings:

    The next board meeting is April 17, 2018 at HFB at 7:00 pm.  This will be shortly after the ride leader meeting on April 14 and the volunteer banquet on April 15.


    The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 pm.                                       Submitted by Barry Cole for Jack Soltis

  • 16 Mar 2018 4:24 PM | Anonymous member

    Hiawatha Bicycling Club meeting minutes

    Board of Directors Meeting  7:00 pm  February 13, 2018

    Location:   Have Fun Biking

                     1321 E 66th Street   Suite 102

                      Richfield,  MN  55423


    Board members present: Dan Robinson, Barry Cole, John Johnston III, Mark Kleczewski, and Marty Rosenstein (phone)


    Board members absent: Jack Soltis, Theresa Ditter


    Other club members present:   Leon Webster, John Zeiss, Russ Lowthian


    Meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm


    The January meeting minutes were approved.


    Treasurer’s Report

    Meetup and storage were only expenses.  Reserve fund is doing well.  The issue of moving money between the TCF checking account and Reserve fund was discussed.  It was decided to stay with the present method of moving money back and forth as needed (3-4 times per year) rather than transfer enough funds to permit a year of financial operation totally from the checking account.


    Vice-President’s Report:  Barry

    Nothing to report.


    Web-Site Discussion – Leon and John

    Leon and John described the functions, features, costs of Wild Apricot (WA), BR4HC, and ipage and their importance to HBC and TDA cost centers.  The calendar which is now on BR4HC is being implemented in the WA website and when this happens ipage will only be needed and paid for by TDA.  One benefit is that only one login password will be needed.  Their was discussion of improving the HBC webste for mobile devices and this improvement is underway at WA. 

    After a discussion of the website functions and operations the subject of website content was briefly discussed.  It was agreed that content needed to be changed and Marty and Russ agreed to meet to start working on improved content, especially for facebook.  Marty attended a class where web site improvement was highlighted as being more important than ads for improved site visitation.  As part of this thrust, John J and Leon will work on getting low-priced Googe certs.


    Ride-Leader Awards:  - All

    Another item on agenda was a discussion of ride leader awards.  Many options were discussed including asking ride leaders for their input at the ride leader banquet (Dan), giving Damico gift certificates for $50 at the cost of $25 to the club (Russ), going to Ascend to get jerseys in the absence of Palamasino response (John Z).  It was decided that for 2016 and 2017 with the absence of jerseys, the award will be a $50 gift certificate for each year.  For 2018, the award will be a jersey.   A decision on the requirements for a ride leader award was postponed for a future meeting.


    Membership Report: – Dan and John J

    John described his analysis of the membership demographics and trends over the years. We have 2 new members and are currently at 203.  Dan revealed that our membership is probably higher than that number and might be more like 296.  Haggith’s membership number is based on assuming 2 per family membership.  Dan and Leon will try to get more accurate membership numbers from Wild Apricot. 


    Marketing and Public Relations ReportMarty and Russ

    Russ presented a proposed $2k market plan.  The plan calls for $500 for Facebook, $200 for Group-on, $200 for Meetup, $150 for Progressive ride program, and $950 for 2 ads.  The current budget has ~$750 allotted for marketing.  Marty and Russ will review their plan but the consensus was that the budget might need to be increased.  No decision was made.


    Tour D’Amico (TDA):  Dan

    A discussion of TDA followed.  The two main focus areas were the jerseys and TDA cost.  Dan had some discussion with TDA about getting better TDA jerseys.  It is prohibitively expensive for the club to work directly with the TDA designer to get better jerseys but Dan will work with Damico personnel who were not aware that the design was not generally popular.  They appear open to improving the jersey design.  Russ said that May 25 is the cutoff for ordering jerseys for TDA.

    The main subject was about reducing the price of TDA.  It was felt by many on the board that a price in excess of $50 was prohibitive and affected attendance.  Dan pointed out that Tour of Lake cost only $25 to which Russ commented that Tour of Lakes does not try to make money.  It appears that with a $13 fixed cost and a sizeable profit last year there was room to reduce the TDA price and perhaps get more riders.  A special board meeting will convene on Feb 20 at 7pm  at HFB to establish a price for this year’s TDA.


    Volunteer Banquet:

    There was no discussion of the volunteer banquet venue.


    New Business:  



    Next Meetings:

    The next regular board meeting will be held on March 6, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Have Fun Biking office in Richfield.  

    A special meeting to decide on TDA price will be on Feb 20 at 7:00pm at HFB.



    The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm.

    Respectively submitted by Barry Cole for Jack Soltis

  • 16 Mar 2018 4:22 PM | Anonymous member

    Hiawatha Bicycling Club meeting minutes

    Board of Directors Meeting  7:00 pm  January 16, 2018

    Location:   Have Fun Biking

                     1321 E 66th Street   Suite 102

                      Richfield,  MN  55423


    Board members present: Dan Robinson, Barry Cole, Jack Soltis, Marty Rosenstein, and John Johnston III .


    Board members absent: Mark Kleczewski , Theresa Ditter


    Other club members present:   Greg Swanson


    Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm


    The December meeting minutes were approved.


    Dates for three Smart Cycling events have been identified. Details are not yet known.


    Treasurer’s Report

    No treasures report this month. Club riders insurance is due and the 2018 rider rate is approximatly $4.54 per member. This is separate from TDA rider insuance which will be billed and paid later in the season.


    Vice-President’s Report:  Barry

    Nothing to report.


    Marketing and Public Relations Report:  Marty

    Marty will be working to revamp the HBC website with a priority to include promotion of the TDA. There was discussion about developing a master E-mail list for marketing. Currently there are multiple lists kept by several individuals.


    Membership Report:  Dan

    January club membership stands at 202.  No change since last month.


    Tour D’Amico (TDA) Report:  Greg

    Planning for the 2018 TDA is under way. The next TDA meeting is scheduled for Feburary 1. Due to construction at the D’Amicos in Edina, the restaurant will not be used as a rest stop this year. This will necessitate a change in the long and medium routes. This year the planning team is also considering a new “super short route” of about 15 to 20 miles. It would include one rest/food stop. The super short route is being added to attract casual riders and familes. The TDA website could be up and running as soon as next month to accept registrations.


    Volunteer Banquet :  Dan

    The Volunteer Banquet is set for Sunday April 15 from 4-7 pm at De Gudio’s, 425 7th Street West, St Paul. It will be an Italian menu with vegetarian/gluten free offerings. The room is large enough for two 60” TVs to show HBC season slides with music. There have been problems with the clubs current jersey vendor Norberto. There were questions as to if the ride leader vests would be available in time for the banquet awards as Norberto has been unresponsive. An alternate vendor may be needed. There was discussion about the type of ride leader award. Should the club continue with jerseys or perhaps move toward another award. Suggestions included socks, pants, bike pump, or cash.  Ride leaders and club members who volunteered last ride season will be contacted with an invitation to the banquet. However, anyone (including non-members) can attend the banquet for $25. The budget has been set at $2000 for the event.  Weather permitting; there may be a ride before the banquet at 1:00 or 2:00 as the restaurant opens at 4 pm.


    New Business:  Dan

    Dan will be sending out a (E-mail) letter about upcoming events with Minnesota Ski Club (MSC). MSC has  monthly news letters and offers group ski trips during the winter season.


    The next board meeting will be held on Feburary 13, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Have Fun Biking office in Richfield.


    The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

    Respectively submitted by Jack Soltis
  • 17 Jan 2018 4:44 PM | Anonymous member

    Hiawatha Bicycling Club meeting minutes

    Board of Directors Meeting  7:00 pm  December 12, 2017

    Location:   Have Fun Biking

                     1321 E 66th Street   Suite 102

                      Richfield,  MN  55423


    Board members present: Dan Robinson, Barry Cole, Jack Soltis, Mark Kleczewski, Marty Rosenstein, John Johnston III and Theresa Ditter.


    Board members absent:  none


    Meeting was called to order at 6:58 pm


    The November meeting minutes were approved.


    Dan recommended that the 2018 requirements and budget for the Star of the North ride leader jerseys and Magic Moccasin tee shirts be discussed and finalized during the ride leader breakfast next month. Leon Webster is the rideleader breakfest coordinator. Dan will followup with Leon.


    Treasurer’s Report:  Mark

    The 990 non-profit form has been submitted. Approval of the 2017-2018 ride year budget was deferred until the January board meeting.


    Vice-President’s Report:  Barry

    Barry was contacted by a potential speaker for the 2018 Smart Cycling program. He will pass this information onto Robin. The dates and locations for the 2018 Smart Cycling events are not yet available.


    Marketing and Public Relations Report:  Marty

    The December 2 marketing meeting notes are attached to these December meeting minutes (at the bottom).  Marty indicated that he was working with Leon to make the ride leader requirements available on the clubs web site for all to view. Marty will also work with Leon to include “” awareness training to all ride leaders this spring.


    Membership Report:  Dan

    December club membership stands at 202. Two members less than the previous month.


    TDA Report:  Dan

    No Tour D’Amico (TDA) report this month.


    Volunteer Banquet – Dan

    Dan recommended that the 2018 spring volunteer banquet be upgraded to a nicer venue than previous years. Perhaps to include live music and a silent auction. The budget was set at $2000. A motion was made to increase the 2018 banquet budget to $2000 and was passed by the board. The annual membership (November 2018) meeting budget was also increased to $1000.


    The next board meeting will be held on January 16, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Have Fun Biking office in Richfield.


    The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm.
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